Expect God to Do the Unexpected | Bishop T.D. Jakes

Expect the unexpected. The comfortable system of enablement that keeps you stagnant is no longer viable. God is calling you out with a challenge: Can you escape your self-centered mindset and walk into the unexpected? 
This will be the year when barriers break, demons flee, and you stand up, fully empowered in faith. “Normal” is your enemy when we serve a God this extraordinary, and He’s setting you up for your better in a new, unseen way. Forget what you think you know. Get ready for an unexpected encounter with God!

Message: The Unexpected!
Scripture: Acts 3:1-10 (KJV)
Speaker: Bishop T.D. Jakes
Date: Sunday, January 16, 2022

Kgospel Music

Kgospel Music is a popular online platform that specializes in promoting and sharing gospel music content, particularly from Nigeria and other countries.

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