(Official Video) Out Of My Belly – Prospa Ochimana

Prospa Ochimana discharges the authority video for the melody that has inundated various regions of the planet and has turned into a hymn working up craving and longing for a greater amount of the heavenly experience. Out Of My Belly is a melody birthed to build an atmosphere of koinonia.

“In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying,  If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.”  – John 7:37

We are a people of purpose, fulfilling the mandate of heaven. The outflow of the river empowers us to do and abide in God’s will. We are in the days of revival, the power of God is revealed and as we soak in His presence lives are touched and changed.

Watch Video Below;


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