Saving Grace Christian-based metal band reunites


The Christian-based metal band from New Zealand, Saving Grace, has reunited for new music and tours. The group disbanded in 2019, and they have been trying to reunite for a long time now. Saving Grace is a fan favorite of Facedown Records and was the first foreign artist to sign with Strike First Records.

"We had planned to do things differently, but the situation globally with the pandemic continued to delay and postpone all of our plans... Time and time again. The secret is... we are back," Saving Grace posted on social media. "We have been working on new music together since almost a year back and we were supposed to announce our reunion and NZ tour in celebration of The King is Coming Back turning ten years last year in November, but again our country entered another extensive lockdown in August."

Saving Grace's third album, The King is Coming, was Facedown Record's debut with them, and it remains one of the most popular, gaining a re-issue on vinyl recently.

"Tickets to our first show in New Zealand since 2018 are on sale now," the band continued. "We couldn't be happier to be doing it with some of our good friends. We know you have a lot of questions, and we can't wait to share more with you soon. New music and tour dates will be announced in the coming weeks."
Stay up-to-date with Saving Grace here.

Artist Tags: Saving Grace
Source: NRT Staff Reports (RA) 

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