The Price (Album) - Grace Eleojo Odoh

Grace Eleojo Odoh
Grace Eleojo Odoh, the United Kingdom-based gospel singer and songwriter releases her album song titled “THE PRICE" which was sometimes launched back in 2021.
The album "The Price" was released on the 25th of July 2021. The Price was birthed out of a unique testimony all the songs anchor.

The songs in the album were all received by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Stream full album on DIGITAL STORES

My appreciation and dedication go to God Almighty the giver of this grace to fulfill heaven's mandate and to the Holy Spirit who inspires.
Thanks to my husband "Victor Odoh" for the immeasurable love and support and to Chevelle, Bryan and Klya our children thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

To my pastors Felix Ejeh and Lydia Ejeh, thank you for the push and to my able music director Mr Anointed, to Revelation Tower Choir, thank you for the room to serve God.

Songwriter: Grace Eleojo Odoh
Backups: De Extol Crew and Hope
Producer: (Anointed) Divine Eagle Hill's Media
Follow Grace Eleojo Odoh on Facebook, Instagram and subscribe to her YouTube Channel for new music and ministry updates.

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